By Lorie Ham
Mother’s Day is almost here and how we celebrate will be limited by having to stay in our own homes. However, at a time like this mothers deserve to be honored more than ever. Mothers with children at home have suddenly become teachers as well, helping their children maneuver school online. Mothers also find themselves worrying more than ever about their children and keeping them safe from this horrible virus, whether their children are young or adults.
While we are limited as to what we can do to celebrate, we can still do something. One thing we can do is video chat with our mothers. Some families are managing to play games using video chats—maybe this is the perfect chance to try that out and play Mom’s favorite game with her. Or maybe “watch” a movie together on Netflix. We can still order gifts or gift certificates online to send to our mothers. This could also be the perfect chance to support some local businesses that offer online sales or curbside pickup.
Mennonite Insurance Agent Michelle Heinrichs expects her Mother’s Day this year will include some special Zoom time with the family. “We are a very close family, so even seeing each other’s faces and getting to hear each other’s voices are important on days normally spent as a family. It is a happy, somewhat chaotic time of catching up and loving on each other virtually. Grateful for technology in this strange time.”
One of Michelle’s favorite Mother’s Day memories was her first one with her son Marcus, who is now 17. “We were in camping ministry at the time and not living in the area, but traveled to visit both of our son’s Grandmas that day. I have always been close to them, so to celebrate who they were in our lives with our 3 month old was extra special.”
“In our family, Mother’s Day was a great opportunity for the extended family to get together,” shares General Manager Jerry Linscheid. On one special Mother’s Day, the fathers/husbands in their family got together and decided on a restaurant that could handle a group of 15. “Usually, we had to make reservations about a month ahead, so no putting things off until the last minute. Often flowers were involved, but the main attraction for the moms was a nice meal that they didn’t have to prepare or clean up after.”
Mennonite Insurance Agent Marsha Okada’s children don’t live at home, so she expects that her family too will do a video chat online, something she has been enjoying very much. “It’s the next best thing when you can’t be with them physically. My grandchildren usually send a card that they design which is something I look forward to. I hope we can all be physically together again soon.”
However you celebrate Mother’s Day this year, it can still be special even if you are not physically together! You can find a few more creative ideas in a recent article in Kings River Life.
How are you celebrating Mother’s Day? Please let us know on our Facebook Page