We Are About More Than Paying Claims
Our commitment to helping others in need extends beyond our policyholders. We have been serving the Mennonite community and those connected to it since 1922. Our core verse is Galatians 6:2, “Carry each other’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the laws of Christ.” Watch this video to learn more about who are and how we support people and organizations outside of our membership.
Could You Benefit?
Want to learn more about who we can insure? Looking for an affordable option for your household coverage? View this short video to learn more about who we insure and what plans we offer. With so much to gain – and absolutely nothing to lose – shouldn’t you at least take a look?
Congrats to This Year’s Winners! You Could Be Next!
Congratulations to our most recent scholarship winners! They come from all walks of life, but they all share something in common. They love the Lord and are working hard to further their higher education. We want to wish each scholarship recipient congratulations and blessings in their college adventure and whatever long-term plans God has in store for them. Click here to see your loved one and how many others you might recognize. Note: Every year, from Spring to July 1st, we are accepting applications for more scholarships to be handed out in August. Click here to go to our Scholarship Page.