By Lorie Ham
Summer is in full swing and it can get really hot outside! What better way to cool off than in your swimming pool. But you have to make sure you are always doing all that you can to be safe.
It is smart to ask an expert when you want the best tips, so I sat down to chat with former lifeguard Mindi Miller, who was a lifeguard for 30 years, to get some pool/swimming safety tips.
Mindi’s pool safety tips:
1. If swimming in a public pool, always obey the lifeguard and watch for posted signs making certain that you follow all the rules.
2. Always swim with a buddy. Never let your children swim unattended.
3. Stay out of the water when you are tired, very cold, or overheated.
4. Do not chew gum or eat while swimming, you could choke.
5. All pools should have a fence around them. If not, they should have some type of pool guard to notify you if a child or pet falls into the pool. Easy to find these on Amazon.
6. If it is an in ground pool, the owner should put dogs in the pool and show them how to get out.
Parents should do a practice drill with children having them fall in the pool and show them how to get out as well. As a lifeguard, we taught children how to react when they fall into the pool. Also, it’s recommended that you keep tubes floating in the pool so if a child does fall in they have something to grab.
7. For above ground pools, ladders should be removed or rigged in a manner that small children cannot climb them when not supervised.
Check out these websites for even more safety tips for your summer swimming, whether in a pool at home or elsewhere:
The other article in this month’s newsletter includes some info on MedPay. Be sure to talk to your agent, they are always happy to help and it is always best to be prepared.