By Lorie Ham
We have been living a new normal for the past few months, finding ourselves mostly at home except if we have to work or get supplies. Because of that, many are finding new and creative ways to spend their time. Some are even starting brand new hobbies they never would have thought of before this.
Mennonite Insurance employee Vic Alemania has picked up an unusual new hobby that is not only fun but also practical in many ways–smoking meats. “I have always loved to BBQ, and have eaten at BBQ restaurants, and a plate of ‘ribs, brisket, and pulled pork’ is pricey… so I thought I can do it cheaper and maybe better!”
So he set out to learn more about smoking meats by watching the Food Network, BBQ TV shows, and of course YouTube where you can find videos on how to do almost anything. While educating himself he also had to determine what kind of equipment he might need. “I have two charcoal Webers and just purchased an offset smoker.”
Vic says that he smokes ribs, brisket, pork shoulder, and chicken, and purchases them from the usual places like Costco, Sam’s Club, and Wholesale Meat Markets. He uses the Snake Method, which is low and slow. It takes anywhere from four to 12 hours to smoke the meat, depending on the type of meat and the weight. Perth BBQ School is one of many websites with detailed and easy to follow instructions on smoking meats.
The hardest part has been maintaining the temperature at 250-275 degrees, but Vic says he feels that anyone should be able to do it, especially if they own a 22-inch Weber.
What he enjoys most about smoking meats is that it is hands on, as he is adding wood, charcoal, or wood chips as it goes along instead of using a pellet smoker. There is a special satisfaction to having done it all yourself, and the money you save is a nice bonus. “And I think my BBQ is better,” Vic says, with a smile.
Thanks to his new hobby, not only is Vic providing this delicious meat to his immediate family, but he has also been able to share with neighbors.
So if you are looking for something new to try, and you love BBQ, why not give it a shot!