By Lorie Lewis Ham
Back in October we did an article about the West Coast Mennonite Relief Sale happening in Fresno, California on April 14-15. But there is another similar event that takes place each year in Upland, California called the Southern California Festival and Sale. This event takes place on May 20 this year. We chatted with their Publicity Chair Corinne Edington recently to learn more. Corinne has been involved with the Sale since the beginning! Creating the publicity has been her primary role since 2011.
Q: When did the first Southern California Festival and Sale take place and how did it come about?
Corinne: This is our 26th year of the Sale that had its “birth” out of our denominational [Brethren in Christ] Board for Brotherhood Concerns.
Q: What is the purpose of the sale?
Corinne: The purpose of the Sale is primarily to raise financial support for the work of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) while also sharing the good work being done through MCC in the name of Christ through peace-building, relief, and community development programs.
Q: For those who may not know what MCC is, can you share a bit of history about MCC’s work around the world:
Corinne: MCC is a global, nonprofit organization that strives to share God’s love and compassion for all through relief, development, and peace. In all our programs we are committed to relationships with our local partners and churches. As an Anabaptist organization, we strive to make peace a part of everything we do. When responding to disasters we work with local groups to distribute resources in ways that minimize conflict. In our development work we plan with community and church groups to make sure the projects meet their needs. And we advocate for policies that will lead to a more peaceful world.
In 2020, we celebrated the centennial of our ministry. As we enter a second century of service, we reaffirm our Christ-led commitment to compassionately serve and learn from vulnerable people around the world. We continue to answer God’s call and do this work through offices, MCC staff, volunteers, and partnerships in every continent in the world except Antarctica and Australia.
Q: What all takes place at the sale?
Corinne: Live Quilt Auction & Special Auctions
Silent Auction
Ethnic Food Court
Kids’ Activities
Live Kids’ Auction
Farmer’s Market
And more!
Q: What things do you auction off?
Corinne: Quilts, opportunities to bid on and fund special MCC projects, special antiques, donated destination vacations.
Q: What are some examples of the food that you will have there?
Corinne: A variety of ethnic foods as well as a Country Store selling a variety of baked and homemade sweets.
Q: What is different this year as opposed to past ones?
Corinne: Last year we hosted a concert for the first time (Girl Named Tom, winners of The Voice) and this year we hope to have another concert; however, those details have not been finalized as yet.
Q: Where does the Sale and Festival take place?
Corinne: Pacific Christian Center Campus
Arrow Highway & San Antonio Avenue
Upland, California 91786
For more info call (909) 981-1965
Q: Do you need to purchase tickets to attend?
Corinne: Entrance and parking are free.
Q: Please tell us about My Coins Count.
Corinne: Each year the Sale selects an MCC project to highlight for funding through My Coins Count. We encourage our constituency to save change all year to fund the project and have a special wishing well where we encourage children to pour collected coins–the noise it makes add to the festive nature of the Sale.
You can learn more about the Southern California Festival and Sale on their website and follow them on Facebook.